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Indoor Mural Paint

The Art of Indoor Mural Painting

Indoor mural painting is a fascinating art form that allows artists to transform interior spaces into captivating works of art. Whether you are a seasoned muralist or an amateur looking to explore your creative side, painting murals indoors offers a unique way to add color and personality to any space. From choosing the perfect wall paint to understanding the binding properties of mural paint, there are a few key things to consider when embarking on indoor mural projects. Priming the walls properly, selecting the right types of paints, and gathering the necessary supplies such as brushes and utensils in various shapes and sizes are crucial steps in ensuring a successful mural. To help you get started, you can find a comprehensive list of indoor mural paint supplies on Amazon, including brands like Nova Paints that are known for their high-quality products specifically designed for mural painting. So gather your paints, brushes, and creativity, and let your walls come alive with the art of indoor mural painting.

The Appeal of Interior Murals

Indoor mural painting has become a popular method of adding artistic flair to interior spaces. The appeal of interior murals lies in the ability to transform a plain wall into a work of art, adding personality and visual interest to any room. With the right technique and materials, indoor murals can completely change the atmosphere of a space, making it much more unique and inviting. Whether you choose to paint a mural yourself or hire a professional artist, the possibilities are endless. By selecting the perfect indoor mural paint and following proper painting techniques, you can create a captivating masterpiece that will be admired by all who enter the room.

When it comes to creating an indoor mural, proper preparation is key. Before diving into the painting process, it is important to prime the wall to ensure a smooth and durable surface. Using a wall primer will help the indoor mural paint adhere better and prevent peeling or cracking over time. Additionally, conducting a surface adhesion test is a crucial step to determine if the wall material will work well with the paint used for the mural. By taking a small sample color and applying it to a discreet area of the wall, you can assess the colorfastness and suitability of the paint. This simple tip can save you from any potential painting disasters and ensure that your indoor mural lasts for years to come.

The Importance of Mural Design

When it comes to indoor mural painting, the design plays a crucial role in capturing the viewer’s attention. A well-thought-out mural design has the power to transform any ordinary space into a captivating work of art. Whether you’re using indoor mural paint or experimenting with different techniques, the design will influence the overall impact of your project. The right combination of colors, shapes, and textures can create a visually stunning piece that enhances the interior of any room. Before you start painting, take the time to carefully plan your design and consider how it will complement the surrounding areas.

Creating a successful indoor mural goes beyond choosing the right paint colors and brushes. It’s about understanding the ways in which design elements interact with the wall’s surface. The quality of the paint you choose, such as indoor mural paint, can make a significant difference in the longevity and vibrancy of your artwork. Investing in high-quality paints, even if they cost a bit more than hardware store brands, is a smart move. Professional-grade paints, such as cobalt blue, sienna, and fluorescents, have better pigmentation, allowing for richer and more vivid colors. Additionally, consider using a sealant or acrylic marker to add extra protection and enhance the durability of your mural. By prioritizing the importance of mural design and selecting the right paints and materials, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning indoor mural that will stand the test of time.

Preparing for Indoor Mural Creation

Preparing for indoor mural creation is a crucial step that sets the foundation for a successful project. Before diving into the world of indoor mural painting, there are several factors to consider. First, evaluate the condition of the wall to ensure it is suitable for mural creation. Check the surface for any cracks, peeling paint, or uneven areas that may need to be addressed during the wall prep stage. Additionally, take note of the indoor environment, including factors such as temperature, humidity, and sun exposure. These elements can affect the drying time of the paint and the overall longevity of the mural. For the sake of convenience, it is also important to choose a location that will allow for easy accessibility and provide good lighting conditions. Lastly, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand, including indoor mural paint, brushes, rollers, and protective equipment. By following these essential steps, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on your indoor mural painting journey.

Choosing the Perfect Location

When it comes to indoor mural painting, choosing the perfect location is a crucial step. The appeal of interior murals lies in their ability to transform a space and create a visually captivating environment. Before embarking on a mural project, it’s important to carefully consider the location where the mural will be painted. This process involves conducting a surface adhesion test to ensure that the wall is suitable for mural creation. By avoiding common mistakes and learning from the discoveries of experienced mural artists, both beginners and seasoned painters can make an informed choice when it comes to selecting the ideal location for their indoor murals.

One of the primary factors to consider when choosing a location for an indoor mural is the type of paint that will be used. There is a wide range of options available, from acrylics to watercolors, each offering unique characteristics and effects. Additionally, considering the type of wall surface is important. Whether it’s a smooth interior wall or a textured brick wall, the choice of paint should be compatible with the surface to ensure optimal adhesion and durability. By carefully selecting both the paint and the wall, artists can set themselves up for success when it comes to creating a stunning indoor mural.

Conducting a Surface Adhesion Test

When it comes to conducting a surface adhesion test for indoor mural painting, it is crucial to select the right spot. Look for a site that represents the actual surface of your mural, whether it’s smooth walls, textured bricks, or any other type of wall. For accurate results, make sure to clean the area thoroughly and remove any dirt or dust. Once the area is clean and dry, apply a small amount of Indoor Mural Paint or wall paint using a brush. Let it dry for 24 hours and then examine the adhesion. This test will provide invaluable info on whether your chosen paints and mural painting techniques will adhere properly to the specific surface.

To conduct a successful surface adhesion test, it’s important to consider different types of paints. Indoor Mural Paints often come in different formulations such as latex paint, acrylics, body acrylics, and fluid acrylics. Additionally, you may want to use an isolation barrier, such as a polymer, to ensure proper adhesion and prevent any bleed-through. Label each test area with the type of paint used and keep notes on the coverage and adhesion. Conducting this test before starting your mural can save you time, money, and frustration down the line, as it will help you determine the best paint and technique to achieve the desired results for your indoor mural.

The Preparation of Your Wall

To ensure a smooth and successful indoor mural painting project, proper preparation of your wall is crucial. Before you can start painting, you need to gather all the necessary materials. This includes purchasing indoor mural paint, water-based or acrylic paints, a variety of paintbrushes, and protective equipment such as gloves and goggles. Additionally, you will need a suitable cleaning solution for your wall. A popular household cleaner mixed with water can do the trick, or you can find specific mural cleaning solutions at your local home improvement or DIY store. Once you have your supplies in order, start by creating a cleaning solution by mixing the cleaner with water in a bucket. Gently scrub the wall using a sponge, making sure to remove any dirt, dust, or grease that may affect the paint’s adhesion. For added durability, consider applying a layer of GAC (Golden Artist Colors) as a primer, which increases film hardness and improves the paint’s adhesion. Taking the time to properly prepare your wall will not only ensure better results, but it will also help your mural withstand the test of time.

The Role of Wall Priming in Murals

Wall priming plays a crucial role in indoor mural painting. Before starting your masterpiece, it is essential to prepare the wall properly to ensure the best results. The first step is to apply a coat of indoor mural paint, which acts as a base layer to create a smooth and even surface. This layer allows the sketch and outline of the mural to adhere effectively, allowing you to map out your design before moving on to the next stage. Using a variety of brushes, you can then start filling in the areas with vibrant colors, such as cadmium red and cadmium yellow, creating a stunning visual impact. Once the paint layers are complete, it is important to apply an acrylic varnish to protect the mural from the elements and enhance its longevity. This varnish acts as a shield against climate conditions, ensuring that your indoor mural remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Proper wall priming not only enhances the durability of your indoor murals but also contributes to the overall aesthetics of the artwork. When choosing a primer, it is crucial to opt for one that is specifically designed for mural painting, as regular wall paint might not provide the desired results. Gel gloss is one of the best primers to use as it provides a smooth surface and allows the paint to adhere effectively. Additionally, it offers a glossy finish, which enhances the colors and adds depth to your mural. By using the right primer, you can ensure that your indoor mural paint adheres properly and remains intact, even during the removal process. With the right combination of wall priming and indoor mural paint, luck is on your side as you create breathtaking interior masterpieces.

How to Properly Prep Surfaces

To properly prep surfaces for indoor mural painting, it is important to start with a clean and smooth wall. Begin by wiping down the wall with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. Next, use chip brushes to fill in any holes or imperfections in the wall with spackling compound. Allow the compound to dry completely before sanding it down to create a smooth surface.

Once the wall is prepped and smooth, it’s time to transfer your mural design onto the wall. There are several methods you can use to do this, such as using an art projector or the grid method. Decide which method works best for you depending on the complexity and detail of your design.

By properly prepping surfaces before beginning your indoor mural painting, you ensure that the final result will be a masterpiece that captures the color, texture, and detail you envisioned. Don’t rush this step, as it sets the foundation for the rest of your painting process.

Necessary Supplies for Painting a Mural

When it comes to necessary supplies for painting an indoor mural, there are a few key items that you’ll need to have on hand. First and foremost, you’ll need indoor mural paint in various colors and sheens to bring your vision to life on the wall. Additionally, you’ll want to gather materials like water, tape, and underpainting canvas to prepare the wall for painting. Detail paintbrushes will be essential for adding intricate touches and fine lines to your mural, while larger brushes will be necessary for covering larger areas. Gel medium can also be useful for creating texture and depth in your composition. Remember to visit our site for links to specific types of indoor mural paint and other supplies, as well as step-by-step instructions on the different stages of mural painting.

The Essential Artistry Tools Required

When it comes to creating stunning indoor murals, having the right artistry tools is essential. First and foremost, you’ll need high-quality paints specifically designed for indoor mural painting. Acrylic paint is a popular choice among artists due to its versatility and vibrant colors. Look for reputable brands that offer a wide range of colors and finishes, such as eggshell sheen for a soft and elegant look or satin for a subtle sheen. Additionally, investing in a variety of paintbrushes will allow you to achieve different effects and textures in your mural. Brushes with different bristle types and sizes will give you more control over your artwork. You can find these essential tools at local art supply stores or through online retailers that offer an affiliate program, which can help you save money in the meantime.

Finding the right tools for indoor mural painting may seem overwhelming, but with a little research and consideration, you can make informed purchases. When it comes to wall paint versus mural paint, it’s crucial to know the difference. Wall paint is typically latex household paint, while mural paint is specially formulated for the unique requirements of mural art. Mural paints are designed to adhere to different surfaces, provide better coverage, and resist fading over time. It’s important to choose a brand that offers a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing you to bring your artistic vision to life. Additionally, consider incorporating specialty paints like body acrylics, which can add extra depth and texture to your mural. By investing in the right tools and paints, you’ll be well-equipped to create a masterpiece on your indoor mural.

Protective Equipment for Mural Painting

When it comes to indoor mural painting, it is essential to have the right protective equipment to ensure a safe and successful project. First and foremost, consider investing in a good quality respirator mask to filter out any harmful fumes from the indoor mural paint. Additionally, wearing disposable gloves will protect your hands from the chemicals found in paint tubes and jars. If you’re concerned about covering your clothing, an apron or old clothes dedicated to your mural work will do the trick. Lastly, don’t forget to protect your workspace by using drop cloths or plastic sheeting to prevent any accidental spills or splatters.

Apart from protective equipment, having the right art materials is also crucial for indoor mural painting. To ensure a smooth and professional finish, make sure you have the necessary supplies on hand. This includes various brush sizes suitable for different techniques and paint coverage. You may also want to invest in a roller for larger areas and a paint tray for easy paint distribution. Additionally, using primer before starting your mural will create a smooth surface and improve the adherence of the paint. To stay organized and keep your brushes in top shape, consider using brush soap for cleaning and storing them properly. Remember, a well-equipped artist is a prepared artist, so make sure to stock up on the necessary materials before you begin your indoor mural painting project.

Exploring Different Mural Techniques

When exploring different mural techniques for indoor mural painting, it’s important to consider the variety of options available. Depending on the location preferences, one can use various paintbrushes to achieve different effects. Additionally, using the right type of paint is crucial. Understanding the difference between wall paint and mural paint is essential to ensure the desired outcome. While wall paint is suitable for regular painted walls, mural paint is specifically formulated to withstand the alkalinity of surfaces like concrete, plaster, and cement. This type of paint is designed to extend the lifespan of the mural and prevent any potential damage. As a painter, it is also important to have the necessary cleaning supplies on hand such as rags, paper towels, and cleaning solutions. By taking these factors into consideration, one can create stunning indoor murals that will wow people without any cost or accidents.

Mural Techniques According to Location Preferences

Mural techniques can vary depending on the location where you plan to create your indoor mural. When painting walls, it is important to consider factors such as access, lighting, and overall ambiance. For instance, if you are painting a wall in a small room, you may want to choose mural techniques that create the illusion of more space. On the other hand, if you are painting a wall in a large and open area, you have the freedom to explore larger and more intricate mural designs. No matter the location, utilizing the right supplies, such as high-quality indoor mural paint and a sturdy stool to reach higher parts of the wall, is essential for a successful mural step-by-step.

When it comes to mural techniques according to location preferences, artists have a plethora of resources at their disposal. Online platforms like Skillshare offer hundreds of courses in mural painting, providing an overview and access to varied painting styles and tips. These courses offer detailed step-by-step instructions, from the initial sketches to the final color-mixing and details. Moreover, websites dedicated to mural painting provide an array of information, including purchasing supplies like wall paints, brushes, and palette dishes, as well as offering insight into proper protection and skill development. Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist, these resources are a valuable tool in expanding your mural painting skills and gaining more knowledge in the intricacies of indoor mural painting.

Using Various Paintbrushes for Diverse Effects

Using various paintbrushes allows for diverse effects when painting indoor murals. Whether you are creating a statement piece or adding a unique design to your room, having the right brushes can make all the difference. Different brush sizes and shapes offer versatility in creating different textures and patterns on your wall mural. For instance, using a small, thin brush can help you paint intricate details and fine lines, while a larger brush can cover larger areas quickly. Experimenting with different brushes and techniques will result in stunning indoor mural paintings.

When painting indoor murals, it is important to remember a few key tips and tricks. Firstly, always start by preparing your workspace. Lay down newspaper or a drop cloth to protect the floor and baseboards from any paint splatters or drips. Additionally, wear old clothes or an apron to avoid any paint residue on your clothes. To create clean edges, use painter’s tape along the edges of the wall mural. Lastly, don’t forget to wear protective eyewear to shield your eyes from any potential splatters. By following these painting tips and using various paintbrushes, you can achieve beautiful results with your indoor mural paint.

Understanding the Paints for Mural Art

Understanding the paints for mural art is crucial in creating a visually captivating indoor mural. The type of paint you choose can have a significant impact on the overall appeal of the mural and the attention it draws from visitors. To start, it is important to use indoor mural paint specifically designed for interior walls. Acrylic paint is often recommended as it offers a vibrant range of colors and is easy to work with. Before starting the painting project, make sure to prepare the wall properly by cleaning it with a rag and a mild cleaner. Applying a primer, such as acrylic primer, helps the paint adhere better to the surface. When selecting the paints, consider the size and location of the mural, as different paints may be suitable for different areas. As for safety considerations, wear a respirator when working in an enclosed area, and use drop cloths or tarps to protect the surrounding area. It’s also important to have the right tools and equipment on hand, such as different paintbrushes for various effects, sanding materials for surface preparation, and acrylic varnish for sealing the finished mural. By paying attention to these details and using the appropriate paints, you can create a stunning indoor mural that enhances the interior space.

The Difference between Wall Paint and Mural Paint

When it comes to indoor mural painting, one important consideration is the difference between wall paint and mural paint. Wall paint, often referred to as latex paint, is commonly used for painting walls in rooms such as kitchens, hallways, and bedrooms. It is designed to provide a smooth and even finish that hides imperfections and is easy to clean. However, it may not be the best choice for creating detailed murals as it can have issues with adhesion and may not hold up well to wear and tear over time. On the other hand, mural paint is specifically formulated for painting murals on walls. It is available in different types and finishes, including matte and glossy, to suit various surface and lighting conditions. Mural paint tends to have better durability and resistance to dirt, grease, and water, making it more suitable for indoor mural work. To achieve the desired effects and ensure a long-lasting mural, using the right paint is a crucial step in the painting process.

When painting an indoor mural, it is important to consider the choice of paintbrush. Different types of paintbrushes can create various effects and textures in the artwork. For larger areas and broad strokes, a roller brush may be used to quickly cover the wall with paint. This can be especially useful when working on larger mural projects. For more intricate details and finer lines, a smaller paintbrush with a pointed or angled tip is recommended. This allows for more precision and control, enabling the artist to capture even the smallest details in the mural. Overall, choosing the right paintbrush for indoor mural painting is essential to achieve the desired artistic vision and ensure a high-quality, professional-looking result.

Knowing Your Paint Tray and Gel Medium

To ensure a smooth and efficient process when creating an indoor mural, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the materials you will be using, such as the paint tray and gel medium. The paint tray is an essential tool that holds the different colors of indoor mural paint you will be using. By organizing the paint in separate compartments, the tray allows you to easily access the desired colors without mixing them. This eliminates the risk of contaminating the hues and ensures that you can achieve the desired results. On the other hand, the gel medium serves as a protective varnish that can be applied over the mural once it is completed. This helps to seal the painting, protecting it from moisture, dirt, and potential damage. It also adds a glossy finish to the artwork, enhancing its overall appearance.

When it comes to mural painting, achieving the desired outcomes requires careful consideration of every aspect, including the paint tray and gel medium. By understanding how to effectively utilize these tools, you can create a stunning indoor mural that enhances the atmosphere of any room. The paint tray helps to keep your workspace organized and allows you to easily mix and match colors as needed. Its grid-like structure enables you to keep the color selection clean and precise, preventing any accidental handprints or smudges on the mural. Additionally, the gel medium can be used to add texture or depth to certain areas of the mural. By applying it with a brush, you can create a raised effect on specific elements, such as clouds or hearts, making them stand out from the background. Overall, knowing how to use the paint tray and gel medium is crucial for achieving professional-looking results in indoor mural painting.

Practical Steps to Painting an Indoor Mural

When it comes to painting an indoor mural, there are several practical steps to follow. First and foremost, you need to choose the right Indoor Mural Paint for your project. Whether you are painting on canvas or directly on walls, the type of paint you use will greatly affect the final outcome. Next, consider the surface you will be painting on. Different techniques and materials work best on different surfaces such as sheetrock, wood, gesso, plaster, or even brick. Prior to painting, it is important to prepare the surface properly by cleaning, priming, and ensuring proper adhesion. This can involve conducting a surface adhesion test and applying a gel medium to enhance paint adhesion. Additionally, understanding the history and subject matter of murals can help inspire your design and ensure it fits well within the interior setting. By following these practical steps, you can create an indoor mural that not only showcases your artistic skills but also adds a touch of beauty and uniqueness to any indoor space.

Following Comprehensive Painting Instructions

To ensure a successful indoor mural painting project, it is crucial to follow comprehensive painting instructions. Start by preparing the surface on which you plan to create your mural. If you are working with a plaster/masonry or wood surface, sand it down to remove any imperfections or loose particles. For metal or panel surfaces, use a brush or a spray coating to apply a coat of Indoor Mural Paint. Before applying any paint, make sure the surface is clean and free from grease, wax, or oil. Use a trisodium phosphate (TSP) or a similar prep solution to remove any residue. By following these surface prep steps, you will create an ideal foundation for your indoor mural.

Once your surface is prepped, it’s time to choose the appropriate paints and mediums for your mural. Indoor Mural Paints are specially designed for interior walls and offer excellent coverage and durability. Liquitex mediums can be used to add texture or enhance the flow of your paint. It’s essential to understand the difference between wall paint and mural paint – mural paint is specifically formulated to withstand the test of time and resist fading or cracking. By selecting the right paints and mediums, you can ensure that your indoor mural will remain vibrant and intact for years to come. Following these comprehensive painting instructions will set you on the right path to create a stunning and long-lasting indoor mural.

Stepbystep Mural Creation

Step-by-step Mural Creation is a comprehensive process that involves careful planning and execution. When starting an indoor mural project, it is important to first prepare the surface. Begin by cleaning the wall thoroughly to remove any dirt or grime. Use a cleaner or a mixture of part bleach and water to disinfect and remove mold or mildew. Next, conduct a surface adhesion test by applying a small amount of gesso to the wall. If the gesso adheres well without any lifting or peeling, the surface is ready for the mural. Otherwise, use a trowel to strip off any loose paint or material. Once the surface is clean and smooth, it is time to apply a primer. Choose a primer that is specifically designed for indoor mural paint, as it will enhance adhesion and ensure a long-lasting finish. Applying a primer will also help to seal the wall, providing a suitable base for the mural paint to adhere to.

After preparing the surface, it is time to start the actual painting process. Begin by applying the desired base coat color using a paintbrush or roller. Make sure to use indoor mural paint that is specifically formulated for this type of project. Once the base coat has dried, it is time to start working on the mural design. Use various techniques and tools to create the desired effects, such as spray application, brushwork, or stenciling. Experiment with different paints to achieve the desired texture and finish, whether it be matte or glossy. Throughout the painting process, make sure to clean your brushes and tools regularly to prevent any contamination or unwanted mixing of colors. Finally, once the mural is complete and has been given ample time to cure, consider applying a varnish or sealer to protect the artwork and enhance its longevity. Choose a varnish or sealer that is compatible with indoor mural paint and apply it evenly using a brush or roller. The varnish or sealer will add a protective layer to the mural, making it easier to clean and protecting it from dirt and damage. Overall, Step-by-step Mural Creation involves meticulous planning, preparation, and execution to create stunning indoor murals that will enhance any interior space.

Indoor Mural PaintPhoto by Ann H on pexels


The art of indoor mural painting offers a creative and visually appealing way to enhance the atmosphere of a space. Whether it is in a home, office, or public area, interior murals have the power to transform plain walls into captivating works of art. With proper surface preparation and the right tools, mural design can be effectively showcased with layers of indoor mural paint. It is essential to clean the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris before applying the paint. Additionally, maintaining the correct paint consistency and using lightfastness pigments such as Soluvar can help protect the mural from UV rays and ensure its long-lasting beauty. The texture of the wall, the use of a grid system for accurate drawings, and consideration of factors like weathering and pollution are key to successful mural application. Proper film integrity and the use of seals will help prevent damage and facilitate easy removal if necessary. For additional tips and information on indoor mural paint, one can visit the Soluvar product page. Overall, indoor mural painting offers a unique artistic experience that can truly transform any interior space.


What is indoor mural paint?

Indoor mural paint is a type of paint specifically designed for creating murals on interior walls. It is formulated to adhere well to various surfaces and provide vibrant, long-lasting colors.

How is indoor mural paint different from regular wall paint?

Indoor mural paint is different from regular wall paint in terms of its composition and characteristics. Mural paint is typically more durable, fade-resistant, and has a higher pigment concentration, allowing for bold and vibrant designs.

What are the necessary supplies for painting an indoor mural?

Some necessary supplies for painting an indoor mural include mural paint, paintbrushes of various sizes, a paint tray, gel medium (for blending and glazing effects), drop cloths, painter’s tape, and protective equipment like gloves and goggles.

Do I need to prime the wall before painting an indoor mural?

Yes, priming the wall before painting an indoor mural is essential. A coat of primer helps create a smooth and even surface for the mural paint to adhere to, ensuring better adhesion and longevity of the artwork.

How do I choose the perfect location for an indoor mural?

When choosing the location for an indoor mural, consider factors such as visibility, natural lighting, and the overall aesthetic of the space. It is important to select a wall that allows the mural to make the desired impact and be enjoyed by the intended audience.

What are some different mural techniques I can explore?

Some different mural techniques you can explore include stenciling, freehand painting, sponging, glazing, and trompe-l’oeil (creating realistic illusions). Each technique offers unique effects and styles that can enhance the overall look of your indoor mural.

How do I properly prepare surfaces before painting an indoor mural?

Properly preparing surfaces for an indoor mural involves cleaning the wall, repairing any damages or imperfections, sanding rough areas, and applying a primer coat. Thorough surface preparation ensures better paint adhesion and a smoother painting process.

What protective equipment do I need when painting an indoor mural?

When painting an indoor mural, it is recommended to wear protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and a mask. This helps protect your skin, eyes, and respiratory system from potential paint fumes, splatters, and chemicals.

Can I use different paintbrushes for different effects in my indoor mural?

Yes, using different paintbrushes can create diverse effects in your indoor mural. For example, using a large flat brush can cover larger areas quickly, while a small round brush can add fine details or blend colors seamlessly.

What are some recommended mural paints for indoor projects?

Some recommended mural paints for indoor projects include acrylic paints, latex paints, and water-based paints. These types of paints are known for their vibrant colors and versatility, making them ideal for indoor mural creation.